MiNDERS Brain Healthcare Service

Brain Healthcare

Mark Rosenzweig
"The brain can be trained like a muscle."
Brain Healthcare Program for "Healthy Brain Aging"



Life towards
enjoying a healthy brain
In the process of manipulating S/W content with your brainwaves, the use of 'Neurofeedback,' a brain fitness method, increases the blood flow and thickness in the brain's [frontal lobe], enhancing cognitive abilities and preventing critical neurological diseases.
1. Improvement of cognitive function
2. Reduction in medication dependency
3. Sustained maintenance of improved condition

This program includes mental training content and cognitive ability training content, and is a brain fitness functional package that has been officially verified by the Department of Brain Engineering at Korea University for overall brain activation and cognitive ability enhancement before and after use.
Brain Fitness Program for Seniors
Bundang Senior Comprehensive
Welfare Center
Once a week for a total of 3 months
Since 2015, Minders Mind Racer with NORI, a brain fitness functional content, has been integrated as the core content of the Healthy Brain Centenarian Program aimed at mild cognitive impairment and dementia prevention for seniors. This service is provided at the Bundang Senior Welfare Center, the largest welfare center in South Korea.
The program combines Minders' brain fitness program with art therapy programs utilizing various media, and is conducted as a weekly course that takes about 50 minutes. Importantly, it serves as a brain healthcare solution for seniors, verified for its effectiveness in dementia prevention measures promoted by the current government, including increased frontal lobe blood flow (neurological exercises). It has demonstrated clear benefits in brain activation and cognitive ability improvement before and after the program.

Increase by 8%
Korean version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-K)
Assessment for Mild Cognitive Impairment, the pre-stage of dementia:
Evaluation of cognitive functions such as attention, concentration, and memory.
Considered normal if scoring 23 points or above out of 30.